As designers, I feel we have a responsibility to create a better world.

I aim to bring joy to everyday life through thoughtful digital products. While flashy designs might have it's place, my focus is on solving real problems for real people. My passion for the automotive and mobility industries drives me to continually refine my skills as a digital product designer and never stop learning.

Very fortunate to have worked for and with
Polestar logo
Lightyear logoWeAreReasonablePeople logoStrakzat logoSignify logoPeterson Control Union logoAmpelmann logoPortbase logoAndersMF logo

Some of the work I'm most proud of

* Because it's under NDA, I can only talk about the basics and show screens without any client info.
Under NDA*

Digitising a paper-intensive process

For this client project I was solely responsible for the research and design. Together with in-house developers, I worked towards an MVP which could be used to validate the need for digitising the process.

Two screens highlighting some important features like the navigation tree and answers for the audit form
Under NDA*

Going all-out in an exploratory UI sprint

To make the initial research findings more tangible, we had a short UI sprint to create mockups of a potential interface for their clients.

Dashboard screen of some key information

Tracking business trips using your in-car interface

I was lucky enough to work for Polestar during my graduation project where the brief was to allow users to log their trips using the new Android Automotive interface in the Polestar 2.

Try Figma prototype
Mockup of the home page of the application
Showing a mockup of the user going through all their trips and deciding what the purpose was
Mockup of the user going through all the trips and confirming if they've been logged correctly
Close up mockup of the user looking at an overview of all their trips

Setting up a detailed component library

As one of our clients' project grew, it became harder and harder to align with development. Therefore we decided to set up a clear component library and process so we could align better. This way the designs became the source of truth for all documentation and features progressed from work-in-progress to done in a clear way that aligned with our project management.

Overview of components in the component library


I’m working as a Junior UI Designer at WeAreReasonablePeople, a digital agency based in Rotterdam.

I’m learning a lot from my fellow colleagues, with way more experience and knowledge than me, it’s great! All the client projects give me a lot of different context to apply my skills.

Get to know me

I’m currently living in The Netherlands, where I grew up as well. I love traveling, but honestly... nothing is like home!

Passionate about way too many things, but you’ll likely find me karting in the weekends, or taking photographs on holidays.


Automotive UI

I’ve always been fascinated with motion design and automotive design, specifically cars from the 80s and 90s, so I thought, why not combine the two!?

Had a lot of fun creating an imaginative gauge cluster for my car, a 1991 NA Mazda Miata.

Watch the final result on

Car driving through the forest
Close-up of BMW logo on car hood with reflections
Red sports car with steering wheel and reflections in the glass
View of the moon during dusk with a snowy landscape
Sunset view on a snowy landscape
Sunbeams shining through snow-covered pine trees
Sun shining through snow-covered trees
Sun highlighting a pan hanging on the wall

Taking the occasional photo

I love capturing the beauty in our world and the moments in my life I don’t want to forget.

Not a professional by any means, but it brings me a lot of joy to hit that shutter button and edit the photographs later on.

Have a look on

What it's like working with me

Don't just take my word for it, read what others have to say about me.

I’ve had the pleasure of working on multiple projects with Elwin. These ranged from very abstract tasks, such as researching and mapping opportunities for sales processes, to practical ones, like designing interfaces for complex B2B solutions. Whatever the challenge, he always brought along his drive, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn.

Elwin is a great addition to any team. As a person, he is involved and considerate, simply a very nice and cheerful person to work and share a drink with. When I look at his personal and professional development and his talent for UX, I am convinced he will continue to offer us many more beautiful things in the future.

Jordin van Deyl

Medior UX Researcher

It was a blast working with Elwin, on a personal level but also experiencing his great skill as a UI Designer. Apart from making the-right-pretty-things-that-work, he differentiates himself from his peers by his outstanding structure and method. Through his efforts we have validated flows, designs and a sustainable design system, and also great fun along the way.

If you are a PM/PO looking for a designer, I recommend adding Elwin to your team!

Rowan Preesman

Product Owner